Upgrade to myUplink - our new generation of digital platform with superior performance, exciting features and a brand new app experience!

Migrate your account and devices, including settings and premium subscriptions. Check the Software page to see if your device is ready to be migrated and to receive detailed instructions.

By using NIBE Uplink you approve the storage of cookies on your computer. Cookies are used to improve the user experience and are required for NIBE Uplink to function faultlessly. For more information see Cookies.

Account Information

(Lost password)
We are currently experiencing some operational disturbances to the service.
This does not affect the system's production of heat, cooling and hot water.

There is no need to manually reconnect, the system will reconnect automatically when the connection is re-established.
In a few rare cases it may be necessary to restart the system for it to reconnect to your router.

Thank you for your patience.

The Cloud Team

NIBE Uplink has been retired

The day has come, as of 2024-09-01 NIBE Uplink is no longer available.

But we have good news!
We invite you to new generation of a digital platform with enhanced features and experience!

Automatic software updates
You receive our software updates online instead of downloading to a USB stick. The heat pump always has the best possible operation and safety as well as the latest functions.

Settings in real time
Your settings and operating data in myUplink are updated immediately instead of with a 5-minute delay as before. You also have access to historical data without delay.

You will recognize yourself
All your settings in NIBE Uplink come with myUplink, so do icons and colors. If you have a Premium subscription, it will be transferred within 24 hours.

Lower your electricity costs more with Smart Price Adaption
With Smart Price Adaption (SPA), the heat pump follows the prices on the Nordic electricity trade exchange Nord Pool spot and can lower the variable electricity cost on your electricity bill by 5–10%.

Easy and safe to control the heat pump from the mobile phone
With myUplink, you can feel secure that the heat pump will contact your mobile phone if it needs your attention.